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We don't speculate on digital hypes, we change your IT organization
​Philippe Abdoulaye has established an international reputation for using DevOps and the ITaaS Delivery Model to align businesses with the top standards of the digital economy.

Hire Philippe Abdoulaye to assist, his approach and his Complete ITaaS Delivery Model™ have helped Fortune 500 companies turn disruptions and changes into opportunities and revenue.

  • ​Digital Transformation Advisory

  • Digital Learning & Consulting (L&C)

  • Digital Transformation Workshops


JAN 4, 2016

ITaaS: the future of the CIO. To successfully adopt an ITaaS focus, you should no longer consider yourself a provider of IT tools ...

JAN 8, 2016

Five ways to inject agility into your IT.  Cloud computing is great, but everyone is adopting it—so it's not a differentiator by itself; it's merely leveling the playing field...


MAR 3, 2014

Cloud computing: Advanced business and IT strategies. One of the best cloud computing business and IT strategy books!!!

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