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News & Publications

Philippe Abdoulaye has been featured in several major publications including including ZDNet, Dell Power more, IBM thoughts on cloud. His work is regularly translated in several foreign languages including French and German.

Philippe is a reknown thought leader and blogger with several hundred thoudands readers for famous online medias like LinkedIn, IDG CIO, DevOps, and Sys-Con Media. The following is examples of recent publications:


ITaaS: The future of the CIO

Dell Power More, 01.04.2016

To successfully adopt an ITaaS focus, you should no longer consider yourself a provider of IT tools. Rather, as CIO magazine columnist Phillippe Abdoulaye suggests, look at yourself as a “business strategy facilitator.” Focus on monitoring relationships, collaboration, and IT agility under the value-driven context of ITaaS.


How to manage inflated cloud expectations

ZDNet, 03.30.2014

Cloud computing is great, but everyone is adopting it—so it's not a differentiator by itself; it's merely leveling the playing field. Technology implementations and advantages need to be augmented by transformation on the business side—Abdoulaye describes it, for example, as "a lean organization focused on innovation and on the company’s core competency."


Five ways to inject more agility into your IT

Apprenda's the leader in Enterprise Platform as a Service (PaaS), 08.01.2014

But don’t listen to the vendors who promise automatic agility if you buy their solution. In a recent post, Philippe Abdoulaye, a seasoned IT leader, pins down some of the practical steps IT and business leaders can take to inject more agility into their IT infrastructure. He makes five recommendations for implementing IT agility


IT as a Service: Was CIOs dafür tun müssen

Computerwocher (Germany), 10.19.2015

DevOP-Ansätze sind aus Sicht von Abdoulaye der geeignete Weg, um eine agile und kollaborative Plattform aufzubauen. Allerdings sollten diese nicht darauf beschränkt bleiben, die Kommunikation zwischen Anwendungsentwicklung und IT Operations zu verbessern und Softwareentwicklungsprozesse zu automatisieren.


Cloud Computing: Advanced Business and IT Strategies​

Reader's review on Amazon, 12.29.2014

Five stars - One of the best Cloud Computing Strategy and Business books!!!!  From my point of view I think this is one of the best and greatest Cloud Computing book, it takes care of the IT part but mostly of the Business Perspective. Cloud Computing is the most important IT Strategy for any company and the future of IT, with the next technological change that represents the Internet of Everything and Internet of Things, you should be having this book as your main reference. 

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