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Consulting Services

Transformation Advisory


Philippe Abdoulaye has been advising business and IT leaders on their transformation for 25+ years, assessing capabilities, identifying improvement areas, and recommending changes to reinvent theit and boost business growth.


He has helped several businesses align their IT organization  with the digital economy's challenges based on his proprietary digital transformation methodology, The Complete ITaaS Delivery Model™ that has resulted in impressive track record of IT transformations, featured articles internationally, and best selling books.


As a CIO Advisory expert, his primary goals are to identify organizational, operational and technological improvements that boost business lines revenue and growth.


Thanks to The Complete ITaaS Delivery Model™, he helped  businesses fix complex problems. Clients who have benefitted from his vision, approach, and advisory services include Credit Suisse, American Express, Ralph Lauren Polo, Educational Testing Services (ETS), Coatue Management, Orange, McKinsey  & Company, and more.

Digital Learning & Consulting (L&C™)


Digital L&C™ is a concept Philippe Abdoulaye has developed to popularize three fundamental elements of the digital revolution: Digital Economy, Digital Transformation, and Digital Enterprise. The concept is embodied by the character Sam The ITaaS Voice™.


With Digital L&C™ we share our insights through three medias: The Sam's ITaaS Guides, The ITaaS Mag', and The ITaaS Channel.


The Sam's ITaaS Guides™ are electronic books (and sometimes printed books) we deliver on topics as varied as DevOps, ITaaS, and Cloud implementation, Digital Enterprise, alike to help business leaders, CIOs, and experts be successful with their digital transformation.


The ITaaS Mag'™ is an online magazine we issue bi-weekly to make our readers and customers digital savvy.


The ITaaS Channel is a YouTube channel we use to share and distribute resources as varied as thought leader conferences, webinars, and training resources on our digital transformation approach, methodology, and tools.

Transformation Workshops


Scattering is unproductive. In this noisy market overwhelmed with hypes and buzzwords scattering in multiple information sources result in confusion and frustration.


The key to quickly understand digital disruptions and take on your organization's digital transformation is to get pragmatic, practical and actionable information. There’s no better investment than attending a digital transformation based on real-business case studies.


Our Digital Transformation Workshops are based on Sam the ITaaS Voice™, a teaching methodology Philippe Abdoulaye has developed to help business and IT leaders embrace the digital economy's whys and wherefores. The workshops bring confidence and address six fundamental issues:

  • Understanding the company and its disruption context 

  • Analyzing of the impacts on business lines and IT function

  • Setting up  and managing the digital transformation project

  • Reengineering the IT operating model

  • Transforming the IT infrastructure to DevOps or the ITaaS delivery model

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